Three good pieces of news
Our good news items concern Pam Fudge, a much published author and friend of Creative Frontiers.
Will difficult Alexander Mitchell get what’s coming to him when temp agency boss Dana decides to fill his secretarial vacancy herself or is there more to her than meets the eye?
For the next three days, Love & Lies is on special offer at the Kindle store of only 99p.
Check it out at
Good to see that Pam has published this new book in electronic format as well as hard copy.
So, that’s one piece of good news.
On this day Pam has opened for business by offering writing courses at her new site Writefor.
You will see there how Pam has spotted that few if any courses address the unwritten – people who want to write but need guidance and support to begin. Writefor is now the place for people who aspire to write, but
have not found the right beginning to their own story.
We’re pleased to see how Pam makes good use of video on her site. Her clips provide very good illustrations of the points that Deryn Pittar made in a recent post about her experiments with video.
(Pam has some good stories about how she managed to get the cue cards in the right place during the filming)
So, that’s another piece of good news.
She will answer a question posed her by writers who seek her advice about improving their writing craft.
First one starts tomorrow, so come back and see what she says.
(Teaser: it’s about ideas).
So, that’s a third piece of good news.
So, head on over to the Kindle store and clickaway.
That’s all our Pam Fudge news today!
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