Monday, 15 September 2014

Creative Frontiers' interview with Kelly Rose

I often surprise and frighten myself

Kelly Rose
Creative Frontiers chatted to Kelly Rose, one of the authors in our e-zine Six of the Best (second issue now out).
CF: Tell us a bit about yourself.
KR: I have been married to a very patient man for the past twenty years and have two lively teenage daughters. We have a cat called Revel who surveys his estate from a wheelbarrow at the bottom of the garden. I am qualified as a Human Resource practitioner with a degree in education and training. I have had a number of short stories and letters published. One letter in Zest magazine resulted in time with a life coach, personal trainer and nutritionist.
CF: What subjects or genres do you like to read?
KR: I love to read a variety of different genres including autobiographies written by inspirational characters, historical, crime and contemporary fiction, romance and mind, body and spirit. I seek to be inspired or to be taken on a rollercoaster of a journey, which enables me to relax. I also love to read books that have been recommended to me. One time, a friend offered to lend me The No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. This was not the type of book that I would normally have read but I read it anyway and enjoyed it so much that I read the whole series. Learning point: never close yourself off to different genres.
CF: Who are your favourite writers?
KR: Oh, that’s an interesting question. Canadian writer LaVyrle Spencer is definitely one of my favourite fictional authors. I have read all of her books and they were all of a five star rating in my humble opinion but sadly she no longer writes. She brings the most unlikely characters together in an intriguing way. My absolute favourite LaVyrle Spencer novel is That Camden Summer.
CF: What subjects or genres do you like to write?
KR: I love to write fictional short stories with a twist ending. I am relatively new to writing and short stories and letters are a great way to start. Short stories are often approximately 1000 words in length and quick to write. I can usually write one short story in a day. I also enjoy the element of surprise at the end of the story, sometimes even to me.
CF: How did you know you wanted to write?
KR: I was encouraged to write by a local author and creative writing tutor, namely Pamela Fudge. I had written a short story at the age of fifteen, which was read out on the local radio. It eventually earned me a grade A in my English GCSE. Who says writing does not pay?
CF: How did you get the confidence to start?
KR: I enrolled on a creative writing course, which consisted of six modules. I started putting pen to paper by writing letters to the local newspapers and lifestyle magazines such as You and Zest.
CF: If you can remember the day you went from non-writer to writer, how did that feel?
KR: As part of my homework on the creative writing course, I had to write six short pieces, one of which was a letter to my local paper complaining about the monstrosity of a building known as the IMAX cinema on Bournemouth beach. I was stood in Sainsbury’s when I opened the newspaper to see my first letter in print. I was so thrilled that I bought twenty copies for my family and friends. I am glad to say that the IMAX cinema has now been removed and the fabulous scenery replaced. The power of the word.
CF: Do you find novels or short stories easier to write?
KR: As mentioned, I am relatively new to writing and therefore find short stories easier to write. They are quick to write and even quicker to share. Personally, I believe in taking small steps at first, which will eventually lead to getting a novel published or even a Mind, Body and Spirit book.
CF: How (and where) do writing ideas come to you?
KR: I usually write about what I know. This was one good piece of advice offered to me by my Creative Writing Tutor, Pamela Fudge. Brilliant writing ideas come to me in the middle of the night or when I am out and about. I never used to carry a pen and paper, so these ideas used to get lost or disappear. I now carry a pen and paper with me wherever I go.
CF: What writing methods and discipline do you practise?
KR: As with most writers I am sure, I am one of the world’s best procrastinators when it comes to putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard nowadays. Once I have an idea, I usually start writing the short story. I have a basic plan in my head and may not know the end until I am fast approaching. I often surprise and frighten myself.
CF: How much do you edit and polish?
KR: As I am a perfectionist, I edit and polish as I go along. This can be very effective when I have finished the story, as each sentence is perfect. However, it can mean that I have one perfect sentence at the end of the day – not very productive.
CF: Which do you find easier: constructing characters or building a plot?
KR: I usually find building a plot and constructing characters relatively easy. However it is getting the story from my head to screen that is the hurdle.
CF: What’s the hardest thing about writing for you?
KR: As mentioned, I am both a perfectionist and procrastinator and these traits often get in the way of my writing. It is often easier to spring clean the entire house than to sit down and start writing. When I was studying for my professional exams a fellow student had the best cut grass in Dorset. Now I truly understand.
CF: What do you most enjoy about writing?
KR: I enjoy the immense satisfaction when I have finished a story and have given it to others to enjoy.
CF: Do you fall into writing ‘dumps’ and, if so, how do you get out of them?
KR: Yes – at times I fall into writing ‘dumps’. Now this is where household chores are at their most useful. Whilst ironing, I can come up with a new plot or a way forward. Walking can achieve the same results and is better for your health.
CF: If you’ve suffered rejection, what works for you in dealing with it?
KR: I try not to take rejection personally. Sending my short stories out to different publications increases their chance of success. It is better than hiding them away in a drawer somewhere never to see the light of day.
CF: What are you working on at the moment?
KR: I am currently working on a short story with a twist ending. I am also in the process of writing a Mind, Body and Spirit book, which will hopefully improve my mind, body and spirit as well as my readers’.
CF: What further ambitions do you have for your writing?
KR: I hope to finish the book and publish it so that it could lead to a career as a motivational speaker and possibly a film ………………………………. Well a girl can dream.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Writefor - Always wanted to write but don't know where to start?

Write for pleasure, write for profit, write for you...

If you’ve always wanted to write but don’t know where to start, this is the course for you!

Published author Pam Fudge will mentor you through six personally drafted modules and she offers the following wisdom, “If you never write the first sentence, you will never write The End.”

Thursday, 4 September 2014

An Interview with author Pam Whittington on Creative Frontiers

I couldn’t not write

pamwhittingtonCreative Frontiers talked to Pam Whittington, one of the writers in our Six of the Best series.
CF: Tell us a bit about yourself
PW: I was a G.P.O. telephonist. That’s right: headset, switchboard and plugs. I loved the work. I have been a widow for ten years – widow is not nearly as nice a word as wife.
My two daughters live locally. I have two grandchildren, both at universities and enjoying travel. I also enjoy having my daughter’s yellow Labrador stay with me when she is on late, or night shifts.
CF: What subjects or genres do you like to read?
PW: Stories with a spiritual theme and also romantic fiction, but not just boy meets girl, more someone’s journey through their life. Books which tell a story of struggle and overcoming their demons, but I don’t like wartime or life in Europe pre Second World War or terrorists overrunning countries. I’m a bit fainthearted and prefer to read about happy events.
CF: Who are your favourite writers? 
PW: Santa Montefiore. Lucinda Riley. I find these two authors just so clever when it comes to telling a page-turning tale, and after much twisting and turning they have a very acceptable ending. I loved Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie. It taught me so much and reinforced my beliefs in life. I also like Sally Vickers, Sue Gee, Robert Goddard and P.D. James. My favourite travel book was In The Empire of Genghis Khan by Stanley Stewart. Probably my favourite book was The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough. I also look forward to each new book that comes out by my friend Pam Fudge.
CF: What subjects or genres do you like to write?
PW: I love local history especially social history of how life was lived in my area and also places I visited. I researched and wrote the history, Hythe Hospital. A War Memorial Remembered. My second local history was Hythe Fire Brigade. A Local History. I like to write short stories with a slightly ghostly theme. My first novel is about re-incarnation. This was based on an archaeological dig I witnessed. My second novel is based on information suggesting many marriages are celibate.
CF: How did you know you wanted to write?
PW: I enjoyed English lessons at school and afterwards I was always scribbling about something, but submitting them for publication was not something I ever considered.
CF: How did you get the confidence to start?   
PW: I did a course with the Writers’ Bureau, and won first place in a competition at Southampton Writers’ Conference. I joined Southampton Writers’ Circle and found support and new friends as well.
CF: If you can remember the day you went from non-writer to writer, how did that feel? 
PW: We moved house and location. My daughters and husband were at work and although I had a part time job, I also had some spare time. I asked myself then what had I always wanted to do because now I had time to do it. Writing came into my mind. I remember getting an A4 pad and sitting in the garden. I began to scribble again.
CF: Do you find novels or short stories easier to write?  
PW: Once I have the idea, I think it has to be novels, as it is just a continuation of the idea. Short stories I often write the outline and then put it away for a while.
CF: How (and where) do writing ideas come to you?   
PW: I have a desk and computer in a small room. I’m a great one for eavesdropping. I hear some great ‘one liners’. Even something as short as that can give me an idea for a short story. Longer work comes from brooding at length over an idea.
CF: What writing methods and discipline do you practise?
PW: I am not too disciplined about my writing. I have failed badly recently when the weather was hot, as my creativity just seemed to dry up. Usually, I write at some time during the day, when I can concentrate for two or three hours. No good trying to write when you have something else in the back of your mind. A little relaxing walk can often bring inspiration.
CF: How much do you edit and polish? 
PW: I usually write the story, then print out a chapter. I only seem to see my mistakes when they are on paper. Eventually I will rewrite the whole thing.
CF: Which do you find easier: constructing characters or building a plot? 
PW: The characters usually come first, the main ones anyway, and although the plot is in the back of my mind I find it exciting, especially when the characters sometimes go a slightly different way from that which I intended, but the plot overall remains the same.
When I am writing I find either a character or situation stays in my mind, no matter what I am doing or where I go. It can mean making changes, and that’s also a challenge, which I enjoy.
CF: What’s the hardest thing about writing for you?
PW: Definitely the computer. I’d like just to write and not have to conform to what the computer expects. It can ruinit for you. I sometimes feel I would get on a lot quicker without it.
CF: What do you most enjoy about writing? 
PW: With fiction, I love creating characters and placing them on path through a life, which I manipulate. Sometimes they take a different route from that which I intended and that is exciting. It makes them real. With local history, it is the research, again about characters, only they’re real.
CF: Do you fall into writing ‘dumps’ and, if so, how do you get out of them?   
PW: Yes. I do. Sometimes I leave it and do something else. I don’t find it works to force writing. I don’t panic as I know it will come back again, maybe tomorrow. I couldn’t not write.
CF: If you’ve suffered rejection, what works for you in dealing with it? 
PW: It doesn’t affect me as much as it used to. Then I would shut the door and go out, meet a friend, if possible otherwise, retail therapy, or just walking along the coast. Now I think, ‘Well, that’s your loss, then.’ I always have more out there and probably send it out again, there and then.
CF: What are you working on at the moment?
PW: I am writing another novel. This one is a romantic mystery. I have started my memoirs. I also pen various verses as ideas present. I usually have a poem forming in my mind.
CF: What further ambitions do you have for your writing? 
PW: Like most authors my main ambition is to gain an agent or publisher. Secondly, I would like to write another local history; this time on local characters, wonderful people, who helped to form the area, where I live.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Pam Fudge in Creative Frontiers

Three good pieces of news

Our good news items concern Pam Fudge, a much published author and friend of Creative Frontiers.


Love And Lies Cover cover only proof copyPam has just published her eleventh novel, Love & Lies.
Will difficult Alexander Mitchell get what’s coming to him when temp agency boss Dana decides to fill his secretarial vacancy herself or is there more to her than meets the eye?
For the next three days, Love & Lies is on special offer at the Kindle store of only 99p.
Check it out at
Good to see that Pam has published this new book in electronic format as well as hard copy.
So, that’s one piece of good news.


On this day Pam has opened for business by offering writing courses at her new site Writefor.
You will see there how Pam has spotted that few if any courses address the unwritten – people who want to write but need guidance and support to begin.  Writefor is now the place for people who aspire to write, butWrite For Texthave not found the right beginning to their own story.
We’re pleased to see how Pam makes good use of video on her site.  Her clips provide very good illustrations of the points that Deryn Pittar made in a recent post about her experiments with video.
(Pam has some good stories about how she managed to get the cue cards in the right place during the filming)
So, that’s another piece of good news.


pamfudgePam has agreed to write an ‘Ask Pam’ post for Creative Frontiers each month.
She will answer a question posed her by writers who seek her advice about improving their writing craft.
First one starts tomorrow, so come back and see what she says.
(Teaser: it’s about ideas).
So, that’s a third piece of good news.


coverWe nearly forgot to mention our e-zine Six of the Best.  Six great stories by Pam and five of her writing friends.  First issue already out (for a nominal sum) and second issue out next week.
So, head on over to the Kindle store and clickaway.
That’s all our Pam Fudge news today!