Sunday, 22 September 2013

It's a busy life!

Earlier this year I took over the role of  RoNA Organiser for the RNA and suddenly discovered all over again just what busy means. If you are a would-be author don't let anyone tell you that books just aren't getting published these days. I've been amazed by just how many newly published novels have been entered for for the RoNA Awards sent in by both large and small publishing houses - amazed and heartened because it means there is hope for us all.

Dealing with RoNA entries, and all that entails, apart I am working on my own latest novel and wondering how I managed to get to chapter four with practically no time to spare. Besides writing when I get a moment, I also enjoy my role as a speaker for the WI, for local libraries and other various organisations. I don't think anyone has ever yet fallen asleep. I love writing, so talking about how I came to be a writer and how I do it comes very easily. I also really enjoy the question and answer session that follows every talk. Not everyone wants to write fiction, but quite a few people in each audience like the idea of writing their own life story - to inspire even one person to do just that would be fantastic.

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