Over on Facebook I was set a challenge to list 10 things that were good for me in 2015. This is my list:
1. The love and support of my family
2. The love and support of my friends, including FB-ers
3. The companionship and love of my dog, Honey, and cat, Ellie
4. The good health that I enjoy
5. The home that I love and the countryside around it
6. Publication of my 14th novel and the ability to create stories
7. Learning to love myself and enjoy my own company
8. The brilliant books I have read and enjoyed
9. The ability to look on the bright side
10. My life - I love it and the people in it
smile emoticon
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Merry Christmas!!
Thank you all for another fabulous year of fun and friendship, support and sharing - it's been great! I wish you all whatever you wish yourselves this Christmas.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Launching NOT MY AFFAIR - 8th December 2015
Aw, had such a LOVELY evening at my favourite little library, Parkstone Library, where I spent many hours of my childhood. I could not have chosen a better place for a launch and was made so welcome by the staff and the audience who were made up of family, friends (even one or two who were at school with me) and friendly strangers were so receptive. The talk I gave, the poem I had written for the occasion, and the segment I read from NOT MY AFFAIR all seemed to be enjoyed. And the books were eagerly snapped up so I'm looking forward to some feed-back.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
BBC Solent Radio Interview today - 2 December 2015
Off to be interviewed by the lovely Katie Martin on BBC Radio Solent today between 2 - 3. Hair all done and dressed in my best (Yes, I do know it's radio but you have to make an effort and there might be photos taken! http://www.bbc.co.uk/radiosolent
Monday, 30 November 2015
NOT MY AFFAIR - Publication day!!!
Here it is at last – publication of NOT MY AFFAIR in
hardback (e-book to follow).
And this is what it’s about - Just as
Fay Ryan is about to break the news to her husband Jack that, at last they are
about to become parents, he gives her a Christmas gift that is obviously
intended for the mistress Fay knew nothing about – a mistress who is also
Jack’s boss – but with the affair over Jack moves back home to take care of
Fay. Odd things start happening. Complaints about Fay at work, a stolen item
placed in her bag in a shop, dead flowers left on the doorstep, but it is only
when Iona starts confronting Fay in person that they realise the woman has
started a frightening campaign of harassment against Fay in her determination
to win Jack back.
Author note: This novel is a slight change of direction for me in that there is an element of crime involved - though it is still the Contemporary Family Fiction that I am best known for.
I enjoyed writing NOT MY AFFAIR and I hope you enjoy reading it.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
SECOND BEST now available on Kindle
Saving your love for the right man is good
advice - but what if it comes too late?
Previously published in hardback SECOND BEST is now available on Kindle £1.99,
Stacey Trent has just about given up on love
when a whirlwind romance with the charming Nick Cable persuades her otherwise.
Believing they are to be married she turns her back on home, career and friends
to be with him, only to discover the promise of a future together is nothing
but a tissue of lies. Stacey finds
herself left to the mercy of his older brother, Lex, who is less than
sympathetic having had his fill of clearing up the trail of ‘weeping females’
Nick regularly leaves behind.
Circumstances force them together and there can be no denying the
attraction growing between them, but will Stacey ever be able to convince Lex
he is more than second best?
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Blogging with Millie Vigor over on the Robert Hale website
Up the winding stair and an affair gone wrong: when love – or lust – becomes dangerous
Posted on October 7, 2015
by Pam Fudge and Millie Vigor
In this double author post, Millie and Pam talk to us about their upcoming books, The Winding Stair and Not My Affair. Both novels deal with the themes of obsession and a woman who is being harassed and stalked, either by a man who doesn’t know how to express his love in the right way, or her husband’s mistress who simply won’t let her lover remain with his wife.
Unsurprisingly, this is about an affair, an affair that comes to light on Christmas day because of a careless mistake on the part of the adulterer, Fay’s husband Jack. There are two ways forward for the couple at this point. They are that the affair heralds the end of the marriage or Fay and Jack can decide to work together and begin to repair the damage the infidelity has caused to the relationship but, of course, it is rarely that simple, and it certainly isn’t that simple in Not My Affair.
Trying to get an anonymous suitor to stop phoning her and leaving her red roses, Ginny leaves her hometown for a short break, only to be found again. She returns home and is befriended by local librarian Curtis. When he invites her into his house, she discovers her trust has been misplaced when he traps her inside. Reminded of Mary Howett’s poem, ‘The Spider and the Fly’ in which the spider persuades the fly to walk up his winding stair, Ginny wonders if she’ll walk free or perish like the fly.
Millie Vigor: One of the questions an author is often asked is, ‘What inspired you to write that story?’ The inspiration for The Winding Stair came first from an item of news about a young woman who had gone missing without trace, and secondly from the content of a book I had read. ‘The Spider and the Fly’ by Mary Howett also plays a part. “Will you walk into my parlour, said the spider to the fly” and “the way into my parlour is up a winding stair”. That is just what Ginny had done; she had walked up the steps and into Curtis’s house to borrow a book.
Pam Fudge: I think we’ve all met or read about someone who is quite scary in their determination to get their own way – no matter who gets hurt – so it was a compilation of remembered snippets from real life and fiction that were my inspiration. Not My Affair came to me, as my ideas often do, from the kind of problems that beset even the best of families. I knew that Jack’s affair was going to come to light right at the start – on the first page as it happens – but I hadn’t planned much more than that when I started to write. I am not a meticulous plotter, but like to see how the story and characters develop and I absolutely loved the way that Not My Affair really took off in ways that I hadn’t imagined.
MV: ‘What if?’ questions began. What if Ginny, my main character in The Winding Stair had been abducted and imprisoned by Curtis, a young man who had fallen in love with her and wanted her for himself? What if he lacked the social skills required and thought that if he locked her up, but was kind to her, that she would grow to love him? But what if the trauma in that young man’s early life had warped his mind to such an extent that his personality had split and divided into many others? What if he had developed Multiple Personality Disorder?
PF: The ‘what ifs’ that Millie mentions are such a great writer’s tool and it was a very early ‘what if?’ that determined Iona was going to be one mistress who had no intention of simply fading away. I didn’t so much choose Iona for the role she was to play, as have her present herself to me at quite an early point in the story and give an indication of what she might be capable of.
MV: I found the idea of a person morphing into another personality fascinating so to research the condition, I read all I could about it. Consciously or not, we all tend to present different faces to whoever we are with, but that’s where it stops. Not so with Multiple Personality Disorder. The condition is believed to be brought on by serious mental or physical abuse in early childhood. When Ginny defies her captor, Curtis changes dramatically into the violent character of Mikhail and she is forced to adjust her attitude towards him. Then Angel appears who says that she is the protector and that there are others. From then on Ginny never knows who will come through the door of her cell. In an odd sort of way this is a love story, for Curtis is genuinely in love with Ginny, but is mistaken in the way he pursues her and instead of drawing her to him he repulses her.
PF: I feel that reading Not My Affair would make women – and men, too – a lot more alert and aware of the possible dangers that can be the result of thoughtless actions. My research opened my eyes to what constitutes stalking/harassment and hopefully it will open the eyes of my readers, too, because some may be suffering in a similar way to Fay and realise there are laws in place to protect the innocent.

MV: I hope my readers will sympathise with both main characters. One was not given the guiding hand of loving parents as a child. The other did not look deeply enough into the character of her friends. The meeting of Ginny and Curtis was a recipe for disaster.
PF: After reading Not My Affair, I would like my readers to feel they have been on a journey that has kept them on the edge of their seat at times – though there are lighter moments, too.
MV: The message overall is to not be too quick to trust ready smiles and sweet words. Honey means bees and bees can sting.
The Winding Stair will be published by Robert Hale on 31st October 2015, and Not My Affair on 30th November 2015.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Pam's Interview on RNA Blog on 25 September 2015
Romantic Novelists' Association Blog
Friday, September 25, 2015
Pamela Fudge: Not My Affair

We are delighted to welcome Pamela Fudge to the blog today. Read about her varied career as she answers our questions below:
You are a prolific writer of novels and short stories. Did one follow the other or do you write them in conjunction?
After joining a creative writing class in 1983 I tried my hand at whatever the tutor set for us and quickly discovered that fiction was my passion. I was lucky enough to have a short story accepted for publication within four months of starting the class. Soon I was getting regular acceptances from the majority of women’s magazines and, more than happy with that, I had no real desire to try my hand at anything longer - until I started to feel left out when everyone in my writing group seemed to be tackling a novel. To my amazement my second attempt – a romance – was accepted for publication and, once my novels were being published regularly I concentrated on those. I’ve recently decided I can do both – so I am!
I understand you spent some years as a tutor of ‘Writing for Pleasure and Profit’. Tell us a little about the teaching aspect of your career.
I was ‘encouraged’ to take over the Adult Education class when the current tutor moved away, because I was already getting published regularly. I gained my teaching qualifications and had my first novel accepted for publication in the same year. What I loved most about teaching was building up the confidence of fledgling authors, and helping them to turn a good story or article into a great one. I still have the scrapbooks I filled with my student successes and I still hear from students who continue to get published.
Your latest book, Not My Affair, is due for publication on 30th November. Not long now. Can you whet our appetites a little please?
I write contemporary family fiction and find plenty to write about from the ups and downs of family life. (Just generally, I hasten to add, not my own). Not My Affair (my 14th novel) opens with the discovery of the husband’s affair – on Christmas morning. Jack finds himself out on the street – unaware that his wife Fay is pregnant after years of them trying for a family. With the affair over, Jack is desperate to save his marriage. However, his ex-mistress has other ideas and suddenly it seems that Fay could actually be in danger.
You are a member of several writing associations (the RNA for one) and organisations. How have these aided you in the past and are there any you would particularly recommend to our readers?
The RNA, and in particular the New Writers’ Scheme, played a big part in my transition from short fiction to novels. My first romance wasn’t accepted for publication, but the very positive critique I received from the NWS encouraged my belief that I could be a novelist, and my next attempt, Reluctant For Romance became my first published novel. I eventually re-wrote the original romance. It became Second Best and was published as a mainstream novel in 2009.
I see you have a dog. We like to know something about our guests, other than just their writerly pursuits. Without straying too far from the subject, are your walks a time of complete freedom from work or do you find yourself turning over ideas as you go?
I have a rescued Pomeranian dog called Honey (and also a 21 year old long-haired tortoiseshell cat called Ellie). I walk Honey twice a day on the heath behind my house. Mostly the walks are a time for Honey and me to socialise with other walkers and their canine friends. However, if I am stuck on any aspect of a novel – most often it will be finding the perfect ending – then a good walk and a good think usually has me rushing back to the keyboard.
Have you always been a writer or was there an earlier career? Or, indeed, do you hold down another full time job and write in your ‘spare’ time?
I was a Recruitment Administrator at Bournemouth University for many years, until I retired at the end of 2011, and it was during my time there – and after I had been widowed for the second time – that my career as a novelist really took off. At least one Pamela Fudge novel has been published each year since 2006.
Are you working on another novel? What can we look forward to after ‘Not My Affair’?
I have completed the first draft of another novel,Least Said, but gave most of this year over to bringing some of my back catalogue of published and unpublished novels out as e-books. It’s been a very different way of passing the time and I’ve enjoyed it – but I am looking forward to getting back to some ‘real’ writing again.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Reader Kate Hearn's Interview
Pam Fudge talks to Kate Hearn about her reading preferences

Pam Fudge talks to Kate Hearn about her reading preferences

What subjects or genres do you like to read?
Fiction – generally. Crime thrillers but any story I can really get my teeth into, I particularly like twist and turns and nothing too predictable. I also have a large library of non-fiction books relating to health and the natural energies within the body.
What attracts you to a book initially?
Simple covers usually and if the cover catches my eye then I turn it over to read the blurb on the back.
What would make you stop reading?
If I can’t get into the story or if the subject matter is particularly upsetting or frightening. I’ll then switch to another book. I don’t think I’ll ever stop reading. I’ll always have time for a book.
Favourite books?
Joanne Harris ’Peaches for Monsieur Le Cure’, ‘The Lollipop Shoes’ and ‘Blackberry Wine’. I have a love hate relationship with this author as some of her books are awful. Playing the Jack by Mary Brown (I used to work with Mary), Second Best by Pam Fudge (I used to work with Pam, too).

Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden, Urban Warrior, Liberation, Dear Barefoot and The Man Who Drove With His Eyes Closed by the Barefoot Doctor. Positive Energy and The Ecstasy of Surrender by Judith Orloff. F**K It and F**K It Therapy by John Parkin
Do you have a preference regarding actual book or electronic?
Reading a book made of paper! I love the feel and smell of a new book. I am on the computer all day at work so really don’t want to use an electronic devise. To me that would not be relaxing.
Monday, 27 July 2015
A Change For The Better now available on Kindle
Very happy to say that the e-book version of A Change For The Better is now available for down-load. £1.99 If an author is allowed to have favourites among her own books I will admit that this is one of mine. It is also available in book form and if anyone has read Widow On The World you might recognise some of the characters, though neither book is part of a series. http://goo.gl/wAvBv4
Saturday, 6 June 2015
A Brand New Novel From Pamela Fudge - A Temporary Arrangement
A Temporary Arrangement now available on Kindle £1.99
Their romance was a smoke-screen, but everyone knows
there is no smoke without fire.
Roz and Sam were just good friends but, for their own
reasons, they made out they were more than that. It kept Great Aunt Ellen from
fretting about Roz’ single state and the media from nosing into up-and-coming
country and western singer Sam’s private life – and it worked like a dream
until one of them wanted to end the pretence. That’s when the trouble started.
Friday, 8 May 2015
Join Writefor And Change Your Life
Join Writefor and change your life
Creative Frontiers caught up with Richard Barnard, Pam Fudge’s business partner in their new writing course company, Writefor.
CF: Tell us a bit about yourself, Richard?
Born in Dartford, Kent in a drift of heavy snow in January 1968, I moved to Bournemouth at the age of 1. Growing up, I fell in love with the town and its surrounding areas, still residing in a quiet cul-de-sac in one of its suburbs, along with my wife, three children and Pickle the black Labrador retriever.
My passion for writing really started in 2002. By 2006 I realised I needed some direction and enrolled on a creative writing course where I met Pamela Fudge. We remain very close friends to this day. The course was brilliant and led me to my first published success. Since then, I have worked alongside Pam and we collectively brought Writefor to the UK public in Autumn 2014.
Around a very busy schedule which includes being a Father, I hold down a full time job in Legal Finance, a treasurer for a local Scout unit, assist my wife in running her cleaning business and of course administrate the writefor website. Somehow, I still manage to find enough hours in the week to write and hope to complete a children’s novel this year with a view to publication and more!
CF: What is Writefor?
RB: Writefor is a doorway to the creative writing world, which offers would be writers a unique opportunity to work with the popular and established author Pamela Fudge.
CF: What audience does it try to reach?
RB: Focussing on the UK publishing market, we are trying to reach the widest audience possible. It certainly suits those individuals who are new to writing or considering a creative writing course. It would also be relevant to those who have been writing for some time, but perhaps need a little direction with their work or would welcome some positive feedback.
CF: What courses does it offer?
RB: There is currently one course on offer which contains 6 modules. Starting simply and not with a novel, Module 1 eases the student into the curriculum, defining how an ordered approach to your work can pay dividends long term. Assignment one is positively critiqued and you may even see your first piece of work in print if you follow Pam’s expert advice. Subsequent modules cover topics such as drawing on personal experience for your work, layout, short fiction or stories, the all-important viewpoint and writers block along with nine top tips to beat it! Each module finishes with an assignment for completion and submission to Pam, who positively critiques each one.
CF: How does it work?
RB: Once a student has signed up and paid for the course, the first module is sent electronically in pdf format. Don’t worry if you don’t have Adobe, we also give you a link to download a free reader. Once the student has worked through the module at their own pace, there is an assignment to complete and return. Pam will then read the work and return a positive critique to the student, together with the next module. We never give negative feedback as we want the whole experience to be as enjoyable as possible.
CF: Who do you see as your competition?
RB: Essentially, there is no other online creative writing provider offering an opportunity as unique as ours. With published author Pamela Fudge supporting our students positively in their development as a writer, we certainly set ourselves apart from the competition. If I had to highlight a competitor, perhaps Writers-Online would be a good example.
CF: What kind of response have you had?
RB: The response has been overwhelming and we have welcomed a steady stream of students since we went live in September.
CF: What examples can you give (names withheld) of actual customers: what kind of writers, where in their writing career, etc ?
RB: We have attracted a wide range of interest, from a Radio DJ to retired people who are keen to write and have the spare time to apply to this particular passion. One student has actually told Pam that the course has changed her life, which is an accolade to Pam, our course and how it is geared to all ages and abilities.
CF: What feedback have you had from any customers?
RB: Here are two examples:
Just to say thank you for the creative writing course, which I have so enjoyed and got so much out of, and which has been very good value for money. I think my dialogue, punctuation and so on needs work, but I have sort of got to grips with how to present a manuscript, which is a lot of progress. Your feedback has been very good and invaluable and I can’t thank you enough for your support, which has been over and above the call of duty. Thanks to Richard also for all his administration work on the course. Susan H.
I have always wanted to write, so the course run by Writefor was a perfect way for me to get started. I received really great advice and feedback throughout and it gave me the confidence to send something I’d written to a magazine. What a thrill it was to see it in print and with the added bonus of receiving a cheque in the post. This is a fantastic way of pointing budding authors in the right direction. Thank you so much. Kate H.
CF: What marketing activities have you used to support the site?
RB: mostly social media, Facebook and Twitter, as well as articles. For example, we have a mention in the May 2015 issue of Writing Magazine.
CF: Is there anything you would have done differently?
RB: No. Writefor was a coming together of two people with a passion for writing and a desire to encourage others to write. When we receive such positive feedback from our students, we are proud to have realised something special and we believe we have achieved just the right balance from the outset.
CF: What do you plan for the second year of the business?
RB: A bigger push in advertising and an increase in student numbers. We want to develop our website a lot more and offer additional follow on learning material for our students. It would be amazing to see a student publish a novel and that would certainly be a milestone to celebrate.
Read Pam’s monthly column (Ask Pam) in Creative Frontiers where she addresses readers’ enquiries.
Sunday, 3 May 2015
WIDOW ON THE WORLD by Pamela Fudge - free on Kindle
Run out of books to read on the May Bank Holiday? WIDOW ON THE WORLD is still free for kindle. http://goo.gl/uXfik7
Widowed at 45, Denise has come to the end of the first year alone and survived. It's time to get back out in the world and live her life. However, life, and particularly her own family, seem to have other ideas as first her mother and then her daughter move into a house that is suddenly bursting at the seams.
Widowed at 45, Denise has come to the end of the first year alone and survived. It's time to get back out in the world and live her life. However, life, and particularly her own family, seem to have other ideas as first her mother and then her daughter move into a house that is suddenly bursting at the seams.
Friday, 1 May 2015
Writing From Personal Experience

Novelist, Pam Fudge, reveals the secrets of where she gets ideas for stories

Novelist, Pam Fudge, reveals the secrets of where she gets ideas for stories
A lot of my published
short stories were based on my own experience: examples are one particular
short-lived romance I lived through and one about my hypochondriac mother. In
my first published novel the career of the hero came after a conversation with
my late husband. I knew little about high-powered men and was fretting about
what my hero could do for a living. My husband, a builder, said, ’Why can’t he
be a bricklayer?’ Initially I was horrified by the suggestion and then, warming
to the idea, I did indeed make Declan O’Halloran a builder. It made research
really easy for me because Eddie was on hand to answer any questions.
In my next book, I made my heroine a freelance disc jockey. Eddie’s cousin was also one, so again the research was made easy.
My novel ‘Widow on the World’ - though not my story - needed no research as I had lived through losing my husband and could draw on my own experience of the grieving process. And in ‘A Blessing in Disguise’, when the main character is told of her husband’s death, it was almost therapy as I relived how I was told of the death of my second husband.
In ‘A Change for the Better’ the main character is probably the one who is most like me. We all have times when we look in the mirror and don’t much like what we have become and are forced to ask what we are going to do about it.
Finally, in ‘Never Be Lonely’, my sister gave me the idea of setting the story in Canada, where she lives. I felt that I didn’t know enough about the day to day life of a Canadian from merely experiencing holidays over there, so I compromised and set just part of the novel in that country. Again, research was easy – my sister and niece could answer all my questions.
For more information about Pam Fudge visit www.pamfudge.co.uk
In my next book, I made my heroine a freelance disc jockey. Eddie’s cousin was also one, so again the research was made easy.
My novel ‘Widow on the World’ - though not my story - needed no research as I had lived through losing my husband and could draw on my own experience of the grieving process. And in ‘A Blessing in Disguise’, when the main character is told of her husband’s death, it was almost therapy as I relived how I was told of the death of my second husband.
In ‘A Change for the Better’ the main character is probably the one who is most like me. We all have times when we look in the mirror and don’t much like what we have become and are forced to ask what we are going to do about it.
Finally, in ‘Never Be Lonely’, my sister gave me the idea of setting the story in Canada, where she lives. I felt that I didn’t know enough about the day to day life of a Canadian from merely experiencing holidays over there, so I compromised and set just part of the novel in that country. Again, research was easy – my sister and niece could answer all my questions.
For more information about Pam Fudge visit www.pamfudge.co.uk
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
A Day In The Life Of Pamela Fudge
Author Pamela Fudge describes what a typical day at the office looks like for her

Author Pamela Fudge describes what a typical day at the office looks like for her

A typical writing day
starts at around 7am when – the minute I open my eyes – Honey, the Pomeranian
dog, and Ellie, my 20 year old cat, start clamouring to be fed. Then after a
shower and breakfast, Honey is taken on the first walk of the day whatever the
Any household chores (as few as I can get away with without appearing on How Clean Is Your House!) are taken care of. Then the writing day begins in earnest - usually at around 9am when I sit at my computer with a cup of tea.
Working on a new novel can be quite exciting because I don’t plot but start with a title, a basic idea, a few notes, and usually a couple of characters. I find that more interesting because I have very little idea of where the story will take me.
I might get a lot written or complete no more than a few paragraphs. The length of time I sit at my desk has no bearing on the number of words I produce. On the days when the number of words produced are few the reason may be that the story is developing slowly – which is fine - or the telephone has rung frequently or I might have had a visitor.
I know a lot of writers shut themselves away, but my family and friends mean everything to me and I will ALWAYS make time for them – even on a writing day – and, interruptions notwithstanding, I still manage to complete a book a year.
For more information about Pamela Fudge visit www.pamfudge.co.uk
Any household chores (as few as I can get away with without appearing on How Clean Is Your House!) are taken care of. Then the writing day begins in earnest - usually at around 9am when I sit at my computer with a cup of tea.
Working on a new novel can be quite exciting because I don’t plot but start with a title, a basic idea, a few notes, and usually a couple of characters. I find that more interesting because I have very little idea of where the story will take me.
I might get a lot written or complete no more than a few paragraphs. The length of time I sit at my desk has no bearing on the number of words I produce. On the days when the number of words produced are few the reason may be that the story is developing slowly – which is fine - or the telephone has rung frequently or I might have had a visitor.
I know a lot of writers shut themselves away, but my family and friends mean everything to me and I will ALWAYS make time for them – even on a writing day – and, interruptions notwithstanding, I still manage to complete a book a year.
For more information about Pamela Fudge visit www.pamfudge.co.uk
Friday, 27 February 2015
Novel Number Thirteen Accepted For Publication
When I set out to be a writer I had no thoughts beyond getting a short story accepted and was thrilled beyond words when it happened within a very short time - and with the cheque I received for £34.
My short fiction continued to be published regularly and I had no bigger ambition than to continue as I was. It was joining a writing group whose members all seemed determined to get a novel published that sent me off on a different pathway. I felt a bit left out, to be honest, and felt obliged to have a go and see if I, too, could write a book. I chose to write romance for no other reason than that, at 50,000 words, it was the shortest genre - still a hell of a lot longer than a 1,000 or 2,000 short story though! I told myself that if I could get from the beginning to the end I would count that as a success, and no one was more surprised than I was when my second attempt was accepted for publication and then another one soon after.
Over the intervening years I made several attempts at writing longer books - but being widowed twice in seven years (in 1996 and 2003) knocked my confidence and eventually I went back to short story writing - just to prove to myself that I could still write.
I believe we have choices in this life and mine was to pick myself up, dust myself down and get on with my life again. Once my short stories started appearing in print again I went back to writing novels. Widow On The World (pure fiction, not an autobiography!) was accepted for publication in 2005 and I have had a book a year published ever since. In fact, there were two published last year!
Now novel number 13, Not My Affair, has been accepted and I can truthfully say that life is good.
My short fiction continued to be published regularly and I had no bigger ambition than to continue as I was. It was joining a writing group whose members all seemed determined to get a novel published that sent me off on a different pathway. I felt a bit left out, to be honest, and felt obliged to have a go and see if I, too, could write a book. I chose to write romance for no other reason than that, at 50,000 words, it was the shortest genre - still a hell of a lot longer than a 1,000 or 2,000 short story though! I told myself that if I could get from the beginning to the end I would count that as a success, and no one was more surprised than I was when my second attempt was accepted for publication and then another one soon after.
Over the intervening years I made several attempts at writing longer books - but being widowed twice in seven years (in 1996 and 2003) knocked my confidence and eventually I went back to short story writing - just to prove to myself that I could still write.
I believe we have choices in this life and mine was to pick myself up, dust myself down and get on with my life again. Once my short stories started appearing in print again I went back to writing novels. Widow On The World (pure fiction, not an autobiography!) was accepted for publication in 2005 and I have had a book a year published ever since. In fact, there were two published last year!
Now novel number 13, Not My Affair, has been accepted and I can truthfully say that life is good.
Monday, 5 January 2015
Review of IT'S IN THE CARDS by the Bookbag
In The Cards by Pamela Fudge
Ellen Carson was just slightly put out
that her family arranged a surprise birthday party for her fortieth, but more
annoyed that they wouldn't accept that she was quite happy being single and
unattached. She had a successful career as a card designer, a home she loved
and no intentions of getting into any long-term relationship. What did make her
wonder was why her brothers and sisters were so keen to get her involved with
any remotely eligible male when their own relationships were so dysfunctional.
She had no interest in the two men from her past who have come back into her
life - or the one who has been hovering round the edges more in hope than
I can never resist a Pam
Fudge book. I'm sure she'll forgive me for saying that they're not great
literature - because great literature is not always what you want. Sometimes you want to settle down with a good story
that you know is going to deliver some great characters and a hefty feel-good
factor and on those counts Pam Fudge is utterly reliable. I loved Ellen Carson
- happy in her own skin and doing well what she wants to do most. It's
brilliant to see a heroine who isn't worried that she's not married at forty or
even in a relationship. It's not that she doesn't have relationships - just
that she's not bothered about settling down. How great is that? And what a
change from the usual heroine who sees her ultimate aim as having a man in her
Men, women - they all come
off the page well and you can believe in them. You'll have a rough idea of
where the story is going to go but you won't know if you got it right until you
turn the final page. No peeping, please!
I'd like to thank the
publishers for sending a copy of the book to the Bookbag.
We have reviews of other
books by Pamela Fudge and you're sure to find something when you need the
literary equivalent of a cup of delicious cocoa.
Summary: Not 'great' literature but a warm and engaging
read for when you want the literary equivalent of a cup of delicious cocoa.
Buy? Yes
Borrow? Yes
Pages: 224
Publisher: Robert Hale
ISBN: 978-0719813696
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